Saturday, March 31, 2012

Submitting seperate values from a checkbox list?

Hi there

does anyone have time to explain how to submit seperate values from my checkbox list?
I would be muchly appreciative.

so far I have the first boxes value returning, I realise it has to go in the if/foreach loop to make a value for each one but when I put my sql command in there it can't be recognized...

please help!!


SqlCommand cmdInterest;

cmdInterest = new SqlCommand( "Insert tbl_interests ( interestID ) Values ( ", conform );

//check box item testing

foreach (ListItem itmInterest in chkl_interests.Items)

if (itmInterest.Selected){

//now I have no idea what to put here??


cmdInterest.Parameters.Add( "", chkl_interests.SelectedItem.Value );




You can store the variables's values in an array, and then submit it.

string[] names = new string[5];
int i = new int();

for each (ListItem itmInterest in chkl_interests.Items)


names[i] = chkl_interests.Items.tostring();

then in the pre-render event, just store the value before you submit it.

viewstate("names") = names;

to pass its value to the client do this:

response.write("<script language=""Javascript""> ")
response.write("var array[5]; ")
response.write("array = " + names + "; ")

I dont know if this will help you, but i dont really know what do you want.


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