Saturday, March 31, 2012

sub-selecting a DataTable?

Here's an example:

Dim dsMyData As DataSet
dsMyData = CallWebService(Param1,Param2)
Dim dtUsersTable As DataTable = dsMyData.Tables("Users")

I have a Web service that fills dsMyData with a couple tables.
My question is, from dsMyData.Tables("Users"), which contains all
users, how can I create another datatable that only returns for

thanks...> Dim dsMyData As DataSet
> dsMyData = CallWebService(Param1,Param2)
> Dim dtUsersTable As DataTable = dsMyData.Tables("Users")
> I have a Web service that fills dsMyData with a couple tables.
> My question is, from dsMyData.Tables("Users"), which contains all
> users, how can I create another datatable that only returns for
> UserID=1?

This may not be the easiest way, but it should work:

'line below copies structure of Users table to NewUsers table
Dim newUserTable As DataTable = dsMyData.tables("Users").Clone

'line below renames the cloned table as to avoid naming conflicts
newUsersTable.tableName = "NewUsers"

'selects users with userid=1 and imports into NewUsers table
For Each dr As DataRow In dsMyData.tables("Users").Select("UserID=1")

' adds the newUsers table to the dataset

Hope it helps.
Jeppe Jespersen

That did help.
Thank you very much.

> That did help.
> Thank you very much.

No propblemo. :-)



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